A1086 Hartlepool United Kingdom, Easington Rd, Hartlepool TS24 9QU

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is great for anyone who wishes to update their smile, after completing their general dentistry. Here at Health and Smile, we pride ourselves on putting our patients first and love to see their confidence grow with each visit. Generally, cosmetic dentistry is focused of the aesthetics of a smile but can help individuals with confidence, eating ability and speech.

Dental Implants:

Dental Implants are an option to consider when replacing missing teeth. They are a fixed option, unlike dentures, which can replace a single tooth or a full arch. They are attached in to the jawbone, not to teeth like a bridge, mimicking the root of a tooth. As this is a mild surgical procedure, your overall health can impact whether this is a good option for you.  Below are some questions we are commonly asked to help your understanding of implant therapy.


What is an implant made of?                                                                                   An implant is commonly made of medical titanium, which is a highly biocompatible material that is well accepted into the body. The ‘tooth’ part of the implant is similar to a crown and made from ceramic materials to look as natural and aesthetically pleasing as possible.

What are the benefits of implant therapy?                              Implants help many patients gain confidence from having a beautiful smile. As well as the aesthetic benefit, they also aid speech and eating as they don’t become slack or move like a denture. When you lose a tooth, there will be a gradual loss of bone and gum around it. Over time this can cause the migration of teeth and significant changes with facial features (drooping lips etc.) since the tissues are not supported by the bone anymore; implant therapy can preserve the bone level throughout time.

Is implantology painful?                                                                                      During the procedure you wont feel any pain, as local anaesthetics will be used making you numb. Prior too the procedure, we will give you an antibiotic drink to avoid any possible infection. For the first few days after you make feel some soreness and swelling which are can be managed with over the counter pain killers and ice. 

Who can benefit from implant therapy?                                                      Any adult can benefit from implant therapy, as long as they are in good health. The ideal patient will be 18 years or over (with full skeletal development), a non smoker and non serious effects to their overall health. However, we do suggest that those who suffer with diabetes, osteoporosis and any cardiovascular illnesses consider other options as the benefits may not outweigh the risk (case dependant).

If this is an option you would consider, please feel free to call us on 01429 260977 or email us at hello@healthandsmile.co.uk, to book a consultation with our implant trained dentist. 

We are currently accepting referrals for implant therapy and are in the process of creating a form. In the mean time, email us (see above) with your practice name, patients name and contact number and we will be in touch.


We offer two types of whitening in our practice; In house and a home kit. Over time, teeth can become an undesirable shade for many reasons; such as smoking, foods and dinks (coffees, curries etc.), genetics, wear and many other reasons. Read below to see more information on why teeth whitening may be for you.

In house whitening:

This process is an in chair laser whitening system. For around an hour, your teeth will be exposed to a light (‘laser’) which activates the bleaching product. This process can bring your teeth around 3 shades lighter, faster than the home kit, and is completely safe for your teeth. This is extremely effective when paired with our home kit as you are able to manage your shade at home.

For this option, you will begin with a scan of the mouth to create trays for you to take home (this is best done after all general dentistry is completed to ensure they fit correctly). Once your trays are made by the lab, you are able to come and collect your kit and the dentist will advise you on how to use everything effectively. This way you are able to maintain your own whitening from home, a good option for people who are worried about getting too light.

Reasons to get teeth whitening:

  • Discolouration—teeth whitening can stop tooth discolouration occurring from plaque, tartar or other oral health concerns.
  • Special Occasion—It’s a great way to ensure that your smile looks bright and healthy for an upcoming special occasion such as a wedding, anniversary, birthday or graduation.
  • Boost Self-Confidence– A smile is usually the first thing people notice, so can play a big part on a first impression. Whitening may make you feel more comfortable with speaking in public, smiling or laughing; overall boosting your confidence.
  • Effects of lifestyle choices– Whether you smoke, drink a lot of coffees, teas or wine or generally forget to brush twice a day- teeth whitening can remove any teeth discoloration that ay of occurred. Its a great incentive for individuals to think more about their oral hygiene and help preserve a pearly smile.

Our most commonly asked question about whitening:

Will my teeth become damaged or sensitive?                                                                                                                                                                                                                With all dental procedures there are risks involved. There’s is a chance your teeth will become sensitive to hot or cold drinks etc. and gums will be sensitive to the chemicals used. This is generally dependant on how often you use the product, if you already have sensitive teeth or the application process (if using the home kit). However there are ways to prevent your teeth from becoming sensitive such as using a sensitive tooth paste, not using the kit every night and maintaining good oral hygiene. With all treatments, patients and dentists must decide if the benefits outweigh the risk.

Orthodontics (Braces and Aligners):

Orthodontics, commonly known as teeth straightening, is a branch of dentistry to align crooked or crowded teeth to improve their function and appearance. Many people suffer with overcrowding or crooked teeth and think they are unable to solve this problem once they are in adult hood, or simply do not like traditional braces. At Health and Smile we offer two types of orthodontic treatment, without the drawbacks of traditional braces (time and cost). See below for the options that could allow you to achieve that perfect smile.

Cfast SmileThru:

Cfast SmileThru have two options to consider.

One option is cosmetic braces, that are discreet are barely noticeable, and are available to have on the inside and outside of the teeth. These braces straighten the upper and lower ‘social six’ teeth that make up your visible smile. The are made up of a tooth coloured wires and clear brackets (outside) or special nickel-titanium wires to straighten teeth in a controlled and predictable way (inside). Both inside and outside options use less force that traditional braces so is more conformable and discreet. 

Second option is clear positioners (retainers) that fit over the teeth and guide them into the desired position. You will be shown a digital prediction of the result and an estimated time frame.

REVEAL Clear Aligners:

Reveal are a great brand of clear aligners as they are virtually invisible as they are not cloudy or have lines and are comfortable to wear due the the smooth finish. Clear aligners begin with an initial consultation with our dentist, during which scans will be taken. These will be sent to the lab who will give an estimated amount of trays (giving you a time period) and creating you your first tray. This is a simple and effective process, which you will be guided through with the dentist; all you have to do is wear the retainers! 

Reasons to consider both options?

  • Results seen quicker than having braces (under a year).
  • Cheaper than traditional braces.
  • No dietatry restrictions.
  • Digital prediction of result.
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